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Author: monatash

Anxiety Hack: Train Your Brain to Be Present ?>

Anxiety Hack: Train Your Brain to Be Present

I have never thought of myself as an “anxious” person.   Yes, of course, there is some level of anxiety inherent in all of us.  That is part of being human, and a trait we have probably had since the Paleolithic era.  But I never experienced any type of anxiety worth mentioning to anyone, let alone, worth blogging about.   Until a couple weeks ago.  A couple weeks ago, I experienced my first anxiety “attack” (while driving, which was pretty scary). …

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An Attorney’s guide to Mindfully Checking your Email: 4 Steps to Curb the Addiction ?>

An Attorney’s guide to Mindfully Checking your Email: 4 Steps to Curb the Addiction

As attorneys living in a busy, non-stop, hustle and bustle world, it’s easy to get stuck in a routine of constantly checking your work email.  I remember when I would refresh my email browser every 20-30 seconds  anxiously awaiting the next client email or assignment.  I was obsessed with receiving, checking, then responding to my work emails.  Somehow, I told myself the quicker I responded, the better of an employee I was and the more valuable I was.  Actually, the…

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What is Mindfulness, and Why Should I Incorporate it into My Law Practice (and life)? ?>

What is Mindfulness, and Why Should I Incorporate it into My Law Practice (and life)?

Hello, friends.  Today I want to share a little more about meditation and how it leads to more mindfulness.  For starters, you may be thinking, “well, what is mindfulness.”  That is a very good question. As defined, mindfulness is the “quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.”   Put shortly, mindfulness is being aware.  It’s being aware of your thoughts, your physical sensations, your emotions and everything around you.  It’s being aware, in the present moment, and acknowledging…

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Letting Go of What (You Think) Others Think ?>

Letting Go of What (You Think) Others Think

How many of us truly live in a space where we do not care, at all, what others think?  Your immediate response might be, “me, me!”, but I urge you to take a couple minutes and think about it, for real.  Would you walk out of your house with spinach stuck in your teeth?  Probably not.  Not because it bothers you (I guarantee you wouldn’t even know it was there), but because someone might look at you funny if they…

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When Fear Creeps In ?>

When Fear Creeps In

Over the past month, so much fear has been creeping into my life.  Fear in the area of my business, my abilities, and my future.  The fact that, as humans, we tend to overthink and over-analyze all the small things did not contribute to my feelings of fear.  Not only was this fear in my head, but I felt its physical manifestations in my body.   My chest felt tight and my body felt weak.  Weak, as in, I felt as…

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Hello world! ?>

Hello world!

Hello, world!  Welcome to Mindfulness Law, a site dedicated to providing discussion, tips and techniques for mindfulness in the legal field.   Through this site, I hope to provide a community for attorneys to share experiences, ideas and to create a more mindful, practical, and overall happier practice of law. It might help to know a little about me.  My name is Mona Tashroudian, and I am currently partner at Tashroudian Law Group, APC (“TLG”) in Woodland Hills, California.  TLG was…

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